Convertible Loan
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of UnipolSaiAssicurazioni S.p.A. (“UnipolSai” or the “Company”) met on the date hereof, resolvingamong other things to execute the powers granted to it by the Extraordinary Shareholders’Meeting of the Company on 25 October 2013, pursuant to Articles 2420-ter and 2443 of theItalian Civil Code, for the issue of a €201.8m loan convertible into UnipolSai ordinary shares ,with the consequent capital increase servicing the conversion for a maximum correspondingamount of €201.8m, including the premium, to be implemented through the issue of ordinaryshares of the Company without nominal value, with regular dividend rights, having the samecharacteristics of those outstanding on the date of issue (the “Convertible Loan”).
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