Unipol - Fondiaria-Sai Merger Plan
Established as a result of the merger by incorporation of Unipol Assicurazioni, Milano Assicurazioni and Premafin into Fondiaria-SAI, UnipolSai S.p.A is the final result of the major integration project between the Unipol Group and the Premafin/Fondiaria-SAI Group launched at the beginning of 2012.
With significant presence in various market sectors, the Unipol Group has thus consolidated its role as a key player among the main economic operators in the country.
Below you may find the documents relating to the merger project.
Documents archive
Deed of merger (Italian version only)
Annex on updated Information Document on the Merger for the purposes of the issuance of Consob’s judgment of equivalence pursuant to Article 57 of the Issuer’s Regulation (Italian version only)
Updated Information Document on the Merger for the purposes of the issuance of Consob’s judgment of equivalence pursuant to Article 57 of the Issuer’s Regulation
Fondiaria-SAI - Notice convening the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 24-25 October 2013 (Italian version only)
Premafin - Notice convening the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 25 October 2013 (Italian version only)
Unipol Assicurazioni - Notice convening the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 25 October 2013 (Italian version only)
Milano Assicurazioni - Notice convening the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 25-26 October 2013 (italian version only)
Milano Assicurazioni - Notice convening the Special Shareholders’ Meeting of 26-28-29 October 2013 (Italian version only)
Premafin - Notice to Shareholders on the redemption value of shares possibly subject to withdrawal (italian version only)
Milano Assicurazioni - Notice to Shareholders on the redemption value of shares possibly subject to withdrawal (italian version only)
Information Document regarding the Merger ex Art. 70, para. 6, Consob Regulation No. 11971 of 1999
Information Document regarding the Merger - Annexes (Italian version only)
Information Document regarding the Merger - Addendum
Plan for the merger by incorporation of Premafin HP S.p.A., Unipol Assicurazioni S.p.A. and, possibly, Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. into Fondiaria-SAI S.p.A.
Fondiaria-SAI - Directors’ Report on the sole item on the agenda of the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (italian version only)
Premafin - Directors’ Report on the sole item on the agenda of the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (italian version only)
Milano Assicurazioni - Directors’ Report on the sole item on the agenda of the Special Savings Shareholders’ Meeting (Italian version only
Unipol Assicurazioni - Directors’ Report on the sole item on the agenda of the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (italian version only)
Milano Assicurazioni - Directors’ Report on the sole item on the agenda of the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (italian version only)
Fairness Opinion of the joint expert Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. on the exchange ratio of shares pursuant to Article 2501-sexies of the Italian Civil Code (Italian version only)
Fairness Opinion of Reconta Ernst & Young S.p.A. on the issuing criteria of Fondiaria-SAI ordinary shares servicing the conversion of the bond (Italian fersion only)
Fondiaria-SAI - Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2012 ex art. 2501-quater civil code (italian version only)
Premafin - Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2012 ex art. 2501-quater civil code (italian version only)
Unipol Assicurazioni - Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2012 ex art. 2501-quater civil code (italian version only)
Milano Assicurazioni - Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2012 ex art. 2501-quater civil code (italian version only)
Fondiaria-SAI 2012 Consolidated Financial Statements
Fondiaria-SAI 2012 Statutory Financial Statements
Fondiaria-SAI 2011 Consolidated Financial Statements
Fondiaria-SAI 2011 Statutory Financial Statements
Fondiaria-SAI 2010 Consolidated Financial Statements
Fondiaria-SAI 2010 Statutory Financial Statements
Premafin 2012 Consolidated Financial Statements (Italian version only)
Premafin 2012 Statutory Financial Statements (Italian version only)
Premafin 2011 Consolidated Financial Statements (Italian version only)
Premafin 2011 Statutory Financial Statements (Italian version only)
Premafin 2010 Consolidated Financial Statements (Italian version only)
Premafin 2010 Statutory Financial Statements (italian version only)
Unipol Assicurazioni 2012 Statutory Financial Statements (Italian version only)
Unipol Assicurazioni 2011 Statutory Financial Statements (Italian version only)
Unipol Assicurazioni 2010 Statutory Financial Statements (Italian version only)
Milano Assicurazioni 2012 Consolidated Financial Statements
Milano Assicurazioni 2012 Statutory Financial Statements
Milano Assicurazioni 2011 Statutory and Consolidated Financial Statements
Milano Assicurazioni 2010 Statutory and Consolidated Financial Statements
Information Document regarding Major Transactions with Related Parties
Addendum to the Information Document regarding Major Transactions with Related Parties
Shareholders’ meetings resolutions approving the merger recorded with register of companies
Joint Press Release - Extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings approved merger of Premafin, Unipol Assicurazioni and Milano Assicurazioni into Fondiaria-SAI
Avviso agli azionisti (italian version only)
Press Release - Special Meeting of holders of saving shares of Milano Assicurazioni approved Merger
Joint Press Release - Issuance of Consob’s judgment of equivalence of the information document in regard of the merger by incorporation of Unipol Assicurazioni, Premafin and Milano Assicurazioni into Fondiaria-SAI
Joint Press Release - Stipulation of the deed of merger by incorporation of Unipol Assicurazioni, Milano Assicurazioni and Premafin into Fondiaria-SAI
Verbale Assemblea Straordinaria FONDIARIA-SAI S.p.A. 25 ottobre 2013 (Italian version only)
Documento Informativo Fondiaria SAI relativo al progetto di fusione ai sensi del regolamento Consob in materia di parti correlate (Italian version only)
Integrazione al Documento Informativo (Italian version only)
Integrazione al documento informativo Fondiaria SAI relativo al progetto di fusione ai sensi del regolamento Consob in materia di parti correlate (Italian version only)
Progetto di Integrazione Unipol - Fondiaria SAI (Italian version only)