Shareholders' Meeting
Directors' Reports on the Plan of Merger (Italian version only)
2023 Financial statements Unipol Gruppo
2022 Financial statements Unipol Gruppo
2021 Financial statements Unipol Gruppo
2023 Financial statements UnipolSai Assicurazioni
2022 Financial statements UnipolSai Assicurazioni
2021 Financial statements UnipolSai Assicurazioni
2023 Bilancio Unipol Finance (Italian version only)
2022 Bilancio Unipol Finance (Italian version only)
2021 Bilancio Unipol Finance (Italian version only)
2023 Bilancio Unipol Investment (Italian version only)
2022 Bilancio Unipol Investment (Italian version only)
2021 Bilancio Unipol Investment (Italian version only)
2023 Bilancio UnipolPart I (Italian version only)
2022 Bilancio UnipolPart I (Italian version only)
2021 Bilancio UnipolPart I (Italian version only)
Plan of merger
Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 23 April 2024
Notice on dividend payment financial year 2023
Synthetic Notice convening of Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2024
Full Notice convening of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2024
2023 UnipolSai Annual Report
Synthetic account of the votes ex art. 125-quater TUF - Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting (Italian version only)
Answers to questions received before the Shareholders' Meeting pursuant to art. 127-ter of the TUF (Italian version only)
Proposal to determine the remuneration of the Board of Statutory Auditors for the financial years 2024-2025-2026 presented by the shareholder Unipol Gruppo S.p.A. (Italian version only)
Proxy/sub-proxy form for the exclusive Designated Representative for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Proxy form for the exclusive Designated Representative for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
List for the appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors, deposited by the shareholder Unipol Gruppo S.p.A. (Single List - Italian version only)
Report on corporate governance and ownership structures for the 2023 financial year
2023 UnipolSai Consolidated Financial Statements
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items of the agenda of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of April 23, 2024 - Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and Extraordinary
Advice for Shareholders on the composition of the Board of Statutory Auditors for the 2024-2026 three-year period
Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 27 April 2023 (Italian Version Only)
Avviso pagamento dividendo esercizio 2022
Synthetic Notice convening of Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2023
Full Notice convening of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2023
Synthetic account of the votes ex art. 125-quater TUF - Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting (Italian version only)
Answers to questions received before the Shareholders' Meeting pursuant to art. 127-ter of the TUF (Italian version only)
2022 UnipolSai Consolidated Financial Statements
2022 UnipolSai Annual Report
Annual report on corporate governance and ownership structures for the 2022 financial year
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items of the agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting of April 27, 2023 - Items 1-2-3
Proxy form for the exclusive Designated Representative for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Proxy/sub-proxy form for the exclusive Designated Representative for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 27 April 2022 (Italian Version Only)
Synthetic account of the votes ex art. 125-quater TUF - Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting (Italian version only)
Answers to questions received before the Shareholders' Meeting pursuant to art. 127-ter of the TUF (Italian version only)
List for the appointment of Director presented by the shareholder Unipol Gruppo S.p.A. (single List)
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items of the agenda of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of April 27, 2022
Proposal to determine the remuneration of the Board od Directors for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024, presented by the shareholder Unipol Gruppo S.p.A.
Annual report on corporate governance and ownership structures for the 2021 financial year
2021 UnipolSai Consolidated Financial Statements
2021 UnipolSai Annual Report
Proxy/sub-proxy form for the exclusive Designated Representative for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Proxy form for the exclusive Designated Representative for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Advice for shareholders on the size and qualitative composition of the Board of Directors for the 2022-2024 three-year period
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2022 - Full
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2022
Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 28 April 2021 (Italian Version Only)
Dividend Payment Financial Year 2020
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2021
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2021 - Full
Synthetic account of the votes ex art. 125-quater TUF - Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting (Italian version only)
Answers to questions received before the Shareholders' Meeting pursuant to art. 127-ter of the TUF (Italian version only)
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items of the agenda of the the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting 28 April 2021
2020 UnipolSai Annual Report
2020 UnipolSai Consolidated Financial Statements
Report on corporate governance and ownership structures for the 2020 financial year
Proxy form for the Designated Representative for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Proxy/sub-proxy form for the exclusive Designated Representative for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Proposal to determine the remuneration of the Board of Statutory Auditors for the financial years 2021-2022-2023 presented by the shareholder Unipol Gruppo S.p.A.
Nomination for the office of Director presented by the shareholder Unipol Gruppo S.p.A.
List for the appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors, deposited by the shareholder Unipol Gruppo S.p.A. - List n. 1 (Italian version only)
List for the appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors, deposited by certain asset management companies and institutional investors - List n. 2 (Italian version only)
Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 29 April 2020 (Italian Version Only)
Dividend Payment Financial Year 2019
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2020
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2020 - Full
Synthetic account of the votes ex art. 125-quater TUF - Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting (Italian version only)
Risposte alle domande pervenute prima dell’Assemblea ex art. 127-ter del TUF (Italian version only)
Proxy/sub-proxy form for the Designated Representative for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Proxy form for the exclusive Designated Representative for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Proposta di candidatura alla carica di consigliere di amministrazione (Italian Version only)
Directors’ Reports and proposals of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Meeting of 29 April 2020
Report on corporate governance and ownership structures for the 2019 financial year
2019 Annual Report UnipolSai
2019 Annual Report Pronto Assistance (italian version only)
2019 Consolidated Financial Statements
Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 17 April 2019 (Italian version only)
Dividend Payment Financial Year 2018
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2019 - Full
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 2019
Synthetic account of the votes ex art. 125-quater TUF - Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting (Italian version only)
Unipol Group Shareholders' Meeting Presentation (Italian version only)
Proxy form for the Designated Representative at the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
List of candidates for the appointment of the Board of Directors
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items N. 4 of the agenda of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Meeting of 17 April 2019
Report on corporate governance and ownership structures for the 2018 financial year
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items of the agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting of 17 April 2019 (N.1,3,5,6 Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting; N.1 Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting)
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items of the agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting of 17 April 2019 (N.2 Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting)
Generic Proxy Form of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
2018 Consolidated Financial Statements
2018 Annual Report
Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 23 April 2018 (Italian version only)
Synthetic account of the votes ex art. 125-quater TUF - Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting (Italian version only)
Proposta formulata dall’Azionista Unipol Gruppo S.p.A. in ordine alla determinazione del compenso del Collegio Sindacale (Italian version only)
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items of the agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting of April 23 2018
Composizione del Consiglio di Amministrazione: proposta formulata dall’azionista Unipol Gruppo (italian version only)
Proxy form for the Designated Representative at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
List for the appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors, deposited by certain asset management companies and institutional investors (Italian version only)
Report on corporate governance and share ownership for the 2017 financial year
2017 Annual Report
List for the appointment of the Statutory Auditors, deposited by the shareholder Unipol Gruppo S.p.A. (Italian version only)
Generic Proxy Form of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
2017 Consolidated Financial Statements
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting - Full
Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria del 27 aprile 2017 (Italian version only)
Rendiconto sintetico delle votazioni ex art. 125-quater TUF – Assemblea Ordinaria (italian version only)
Report on corporate governance and ownership structures for the 2016 financial year
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the agenda of the ordinary meeting of April 27th 2017
2016 Draft Annual Report
Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 December 2016
Generic Proxy Form of Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Proxy form for the Designated Representative at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Notice of Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting (full)
Notice of Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria del 27 aprile 2016 (2° parte) (italian version only)
Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria del 27 aprile 2016 (1° parte) (italian version only)
Rendiconto sintetico delle votazioni ex art. 125-quater TUF – Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria (Italian version only)
Annual Report 2015 UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A.
Press release - Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
List 1 for the appointment of the Board of Directors, deposited by the shareholder Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A. (only Italian version)
List 2 for the appointment of the Board of Directors, deposited by certain asset management companies and institutional investors (only Italian version)
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items No. 2 on the agenda of the ordinary meeting, and No. 1 on the agenda of the extraordinary meeting
Proxy form for the Designated Representative at the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Draft Annual Report 2015 Liguria Assicurazioni (italian version only)
Draft Annual Report 2015 Liguria Vita (italian version only)
Consolidated Financial Statements 2015
Report on corporate governance and share ownership for the 2015 financial year
03/22/2016 - Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items of the agenda
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items No. 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 on the agenda of the ordinary meeting
Generic Proxy Form of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
03/17/2016 - Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting - Full
Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria del 17 giugno 2015 - I Parte (Italian version only)
Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria del 17 giugno 2015 - II Parte (Italian version only)
Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria del 17 giugno 2015 - III Parte (Italian version only)
UnipolSai Draft Annual Report - FY 2014
Lists deposited for the renewal of the Board of Statutory Auditors during the Shareholders’ Meeting of 17 June 2015
Shareholders' Meeting - List for the appointment of the Board Of Statutory Auditors
Rendiconto sintetico delle votazioni ex art. 125-quater TUF – Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria (Italian version only)
Directors’ Reports and proposals on the items of the agenda
Proxy form for the Designated Representative at the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Lista presentata da alcune società di gestione del risparmio ed investitori istituzionali (Italian version only)
Lista presentata dal socio Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A. (Italian version only)
UnipolSai Consolidated Financial Statements - FY 2014
Generic Proxy Form of Ordinary/Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Report on corporate governance and share ownership for the 2014 financial year
Notice to Shareholders - Dividend Payment Financial Year 2014
8th May 2015 - Notice to Shareholders - Notice of annual and extraordinary general meeting (full)
8th May 2015 - Notice to Shareholders - Notice of annual and extraordinary general meeting
Verbale Assemblea Speciale Azionisti di Risparmio di Categoria B del 27 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Verbale Assemblea Speciale Azionisti di Risparmio di Categoria A del 27 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Press release - Conversion of Saving Shares into Ordinary Shares of UnipolSai
Integrazione alle relazioni illustrative del Consiglio di Amministrazione predisposte per l'Assemblea Straordinaria del 26 gennaio 2015 e per le Assemblee Speciali del 27 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Press release - Shareholders' resolutions for the approval of the conversion deposited at the Bologna companies' register
Rendiconto sintetico delle votazioni ex art. 125-quater TUF – Assemblea Speciale Azionisti di Risparmio Categoria A (Italian version only)
Rendiconto sintetico delle votazioni ex art. 125-quater TUF – Assemblea Speciale Azionisti di Risparmio Categoria B (Italian version only)
Special Meeting of the holders of Class B saving shares of January 27th, 2015 Proxy Form
Special Meeting of holders of Class A saving shares of 27 January 2015 Proxy form and Voting instructions to Computershare S.p.A.
Press release - The class B saving shareholders’ meeting approves the mandatory conversion of the class B saving shares into common shares UnipolSai
Generic Proxy Form of Special Meeting of Holders of Class A Savings Shares to be held on 27 January 2015
Special Meeting of holders of Class B saving shares of 27 January 2015 Proxy form and Voting instructions to Computershare S.p.A
Answers of UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. to the questions and the requests raised by the joint representative of the class A saving shareholders
Shareholders' meeting of the holders of class A saving shares
Shareholders' meeting of the holders of class B saving shares
Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio B Assemblea Speciale 27 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Allegato a integrazione Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 27 gennaio 2015 (italian version only)
Integrazione Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 27 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Allegato 1 Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 27 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 27 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Allegato 2 Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 27 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Generic Proxy Form of Special Meeting of Holders of Class B Savings Shares to be held on 27 January 2015
Avviso agli azionisti ex art. 84 Esercizio diritto di recesso (Italian version only)
Notice convening of Special Meetings of holders of class A and B - Synthetic
Notice convening of Special Meetings of holders of class A and B - Full
Notice to holders of class A and B
Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria del 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Press Release - Conversion of Saving Shares into Ordinary Shares of UnipolSai
Relazione Illustrativa Assemblea (Parte Ordinaria) - Italian Version Only
Rendiconto sintetico delle votazioni ex art. 125-quater TUF – Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria (Italian version only)
Press Release - The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approves the mandatory conversion of the class A saving shares and of the class B saving shares into common shares of UnipolSai
Integrazione alle relazioni illustrative del Consiglio di Amministrazione predisposte per l'Assemblea Straordinaria del 26 gennaio 2015 e per le Assemblee Speciali del 27 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Report of the Board of Directors on the sole item on the Agenda of the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Generic Proxy Form of Ordinary/Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held on 26 January 2015
Proxy form for the Designated Representative at the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Notices convening of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting - Synthetic
Notices convening of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting - Full
Verbale Assemblea Speciale Azionisti di Risparmio di Categoria A del 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Seconda integrazione Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Allegato a seconda integrazione Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (italian version only)
Press Release - The class A saving shareholders’ meeting approves the mandatory conversion of the class A saving shares into common shares UnipolSai
Rendiconto sintetico delle votazioni ex art. 125-quater TUF – Assemblea Speciale Azionisti di Risparmio Categoria A (Italian version only)
Proxy form for the Designated Representative at Special Meeting of holders of class A
Allegato 1 Integrazione Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Integrazione Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 12 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 11.4 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 11.3 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 11.2 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 11.1 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 11 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 10 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (italian version only)
All. 9 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 8 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 7 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 6 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 5 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 4 prima parte - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 4 seconda parte - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 3 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 2 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
All. 1 - Relazione Rappresentante Comune Azionisti Risparmio A Assemblea Speciale 26 gennaio 2015 (Italian version only)
Generic Proxy Form of Special Meeting of Holders of Class A Meeting to be held on 26 January 2015
Notice convening of Special Meeting of holders class A - Full
Notice convening of Special Meeting of holders class A
Verbale Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria UnipolSai 29 Aprile 2014 (Italian version only)
Allegati al Verbale Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria UnipolSai 29 Aprile 2014 – parte1 (Italian version only)
Allegati al Verbale Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria UnipolSai 29 Aprile 2014 – parte2 (Italian version only)
Allegati al Verbale Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria UnipolSai 29 Aprile 2014 – parte3 (Italian version only)
Allegati al Verbale Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria UnipolSai 29 Aprile 2014 – parte4 (Italian version only)
Allegati al Verbale Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria UnipolSai 29 Aprile 2014 – parte5 (Italian version only)
Allegati al Verbale Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria UnipolSai 29 Aprile 2014 – parte6 (Italian version only)
Allegati al Verbale Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria UnipolSai 29 Aprile 2014 – parte8 (Italian version only)
Allegati al Verbale Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria UnipolSai 29 Aprile 2014 – parte7 (Italian version only)
Relazioni degli Amministratori sulle proposte di deliberazione all’Assemblea Straordinaria e Ordinaria degli Azionisti del 29 aprile 2014 (Italian version only)
Progetto di Bilancio 2013 Fondiaria-SAI S.p.A. (ora UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A.) (Italian version only)
Bilancio Consolidato 2013 Fondiaria-SAI S.p.A. (ora UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A.) (Italian version only)
Progetto di Bilancio 2013 società incorporata Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. (Italian version only)
Bilancio Consolidato 2013 società incorporata Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A. (Italian version only)
Progetto di Bilancio 2013 società incorporata Premafin HP S.p.A. (Italian version only)
Bilancio Consolidato 2013 società incorporata Premafin HP S.p.A. (Italian version only)
Progetto di Bilancio 2013 società incorporata Unipol Assicurazioni S.p.A. (Italian version only)
Situazione patrimoniale di apertura individuale di UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A., a seguito della Fusione, alla data del 1° gennaio 2014 (Italian version only)
Relazione annuale sul governo societario e sugli assetti proprietari per l’esercizio 2013 (Italian version only)
Relazione del Collegio Sindacale ex Art. 2408 del codice civile (Italian version only)
04/29/2014 - Press Release - Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Rendiconto sintetico delle votazioni ex art. 125-quater TUF (Italian version only)
Generic proxy form of Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Proxy form for the designated Representative at Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Company’s By-Laws (italian version only)
March, 29 2014- Notice convening of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting - Synthetic
March, 29 2014 - Notice convening of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting - full
Directors' Report to the Shareholders' Meeting of April 26/29 2013
Call Notice of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Considerations of The Board of Directors of Fondiaria-SAI on the Proposals on the Agenda of the Class "A" Special Savings Shareholders' Meeting
Press Release Special Shareholders' Meeting Class A of March 26 2013
Call Notice of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Call notice of the ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meeting October 29-30 2012
Notice of special shareholders' meeting
Call for the Special Meeting for Holders of Preference Shares (Azionisti di Risparmio) 29 June - 2/3 July 2012 (Italian version only)
Verbale assemble ordinaria 27 giugno 2012 (italian version only)
Verbale assemble straordinaria 27 giugno 2012 (italian version only)
Call for the Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders Meeting 26/27 June 2012 (Italian version only)
Report of the general representative to Shareholders Meeting June July 2012
Report of the Directors to the shareholders Meeting June 26
Supplement to the Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors Article 2408(2) re Amber Capital Investment Management
Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors pursuant to Article 2408(2) re Finleonardo S.p.A.
Second supplement to the Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors pursuant to Article 2408(2) re Amber Capital Investment Management
Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors pursuant to Article 2408(2) re Amber Capital Investment Management
Form for appointing a General Proxy (Italian version only)
Directors'Report on the proposals relating to the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Form and instructions for appointing a Designated Representative (Italian version only)
Directors'Report on the proposals relating to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Call for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings (Italian version only)
Notice regarding probable Second Call (Italian version only)
Set for Shareholders' Meeting at 23 April 2024
Set for Shareholders' Meeting at 23 April 2024
Right to ask questions before the shareholders’ meeting
Pursuant to Article 127-ter of Legislative Decree No. 58/98 (Consolidated Law on Finance), parties entitled to voting rights may ask questions on the items on the agenda, including before the Shareholders’ Meeting, by sending a registered letter addressed to UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. - Ufficio Soci - Via Stalingrado 37, 40128 Bologna, or submitting the request by fax to no. 051 7096713, or e-mail to the certified e-mail address, or, finally, by filling in the appropriate Form in this section of the Company’s Internet site. Requests must be received by the record date, i.e. by 12 April 2024.
Consideration will be exclusively given to questions received by the Company that are strictly relevant to the items on the agenda.
Applicants must send to their personal details (name and surname or company name in case of legal entities or corporations, place and date of birth and Italian tax identification code) and the appropriate documentation proving entitlement to exercising voting rights issued by their intermediary, valid through 12 April 2024 (record date).
If Shareholders have already requested their depository intermediary to issue the notification of entitlement to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting, it will be sufficient to include details of such notification issued by the intermediary, or at least the name of the intermediary, in the request.
Questions received before the Shareholders’ Meeting will be answered at the latest by 21 April through publication on the Company’s Internet site, with the option for the Company to provide one answer to questions having a similar content.
Right to make additions to the Agenda and submit proposals on matters already on the agenda pursuant to article 126-bis of the Consolidated Law on Finance
Pursuant to article 126-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98 (Consolidated Law on Finance), Shareholders who, including jointly, represent one fortieth of the share capital, by 23 March 2024 (within ten days from publication of the notice calling the Shareholders’ Meeting), may request the addition of items to the agenda, specifying the additional items proposed in their request or may submit resolution proposals on items already on the agenda. No additions shall be permitted for topics on which the Shareholders’ Meeting will decide, in accordance with the law, upon proposal by the Directors or on the basis of a project or report it has prepared, besides those described under article 125-ter, paragraph 1 of the Consolidated Law on Finance.
Requests must be made in writing by registered letter with r/r and addressed to UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. - Ufficio Soci - Via Stalingrado 37, 40128 Bologna, or by email to the certified email address Certification proving ownership of the shares held by the Shareholders making the request, and the shareholding required to request additions to the agenda must be provided in a specific notice issued by the depository intermediary, valid as of the date of the request, addressed to
Notice of any additions to the agenda will be given in the same manner as required by law for the notice of the Shareholders’ Meeting within the terms provided for by applicable legislation.
Shareholders requesting additions to be made to the Agenda must prepare a report that sets forth the reason for the proposed resolution on a new item that they propose to discuss or the reason for the additional resolution proposal on any items already on the agenda: the above report must be sent to the Board of Directors by the deadline for submitting the request for additions to the agenda.
Right to submit proposed resolutions individually prior to the Shareholders’ meeting
In addition to the above, since the Shareholders’ Meeting can only be attended by the Designated Representative, parties entitled to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting who wish to make proposed resolutions on the topics on the agenda are asked to make them beforehand, by 8 April 2024. These proposals will be published on the Company’s website by 9 April so that the parties entitled to vote can express themselves, on an informed basis, also taking account of the new proposals, and allow the Designated Representative to gather any voting instructions relating to them. The requesting party will have to provide documentation proving its right to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting and the issue of a proxy to the Designated Representative to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting.
Procedure for attending and voting by proxy
As permitted by Article 106, paragraph 4, of Law Decree No. 18/2020, converted with amendments by Law No. 27/2020, as most recently amended and extended by Law-Decree No. 215 of 30 December 2023, enacted with amendments as Law No. 18 of 23 February 2024 (“Milleproroghe Decree”), entitled parties will be permitted to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting, without gaining access to the venue thereof, solely by giving powers to the Designated Representative pursuant to Article 135-undecies of Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998 (“Designated Representative” and “Consolidated Law on Finance”), as specified below.
The Company has chosen Computershare S.p.A. with Offices in Turin, Via Nizza 262/73, as the Designated Representative pursuant to Article 135-undecies of the Italian Consolidated Law on Finance. The Designated Representative will be available for clarifications or information at tel. +39 011 0923200 or at the e-mail address
Voting procedures by mail or by electronic means will not be permitted for this Shareholders’ Meeting.
1. Granting of powers under Article 135-undecies of the Italian Consolidated Law on Finance
As a result of the foregoing, any parties entitled to voting rights who wish to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting must give the appropriate powers to the Designated Representative, pursuant to Article 135-undecies of the Italian Consolidated Law on Finance, containing voting instructions on some or all the items on the agenda. Powers may be given to Designated Representative by the end of the second trading day preceding the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting, i.e. by 19 April 2024. Powers will only be effective for proposals in relation to which voting instructions have been given.
Also Shareholders holding shares deposited with the Company may exclusively participate in the Shareholders’ Meeting through the Designated Representative by sending notice to the certified e-mail address, by sending a fax to +39 051 7096713, or by calling +39 055 5095308.
Powers and voting instructions, issued as above, may be revoked by the above deadline of 19 April 2024 according to the same procedures provided for the granting thereof.
The proxy form for granting powers as described above to the Designated Representative is available in a downloadable and printable version in this section, (see “Proxy form to grant exclusive powers to the Delegated Representative at the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting“).
Such powers will only be effective for resolutions proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting for which the delegating party has given voting instructions using the above form.
2. Guided procedure for granting powers under Article 135-undecies of the Italian Consolidated Law on Finance
Powers under Article 135-undecies of the Italian Consolidated Law on Finance may also be given to the Designated Representative at the ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting by 12:00 pm of 22 April 2024 in the event that the appropriate web application prepared and managed by Computershare S.p.A. is used by accessing the proxy form web wizard to grant powers to the Designated Representative (see “Proxy form web wizard to grant powers to the Designated Representative at the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting”).
It is understood that such powers will only be effective for resolutions proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting for which the delegating party has given voting instructions using the above web wizard.
Powers and voting instructions issued under Article 135-undecies of the Italian Consolidated Law on Finance using the web wizard may be revoked by the above deadline of 22 April 2024 according to the same procedure as the one laid down for the granting thereof.
3. Granting of powers under Article 135-novies of the Italian Consolidated Law on Finance
The same Designated Representative may also be given powers and/or sub-powers pursuant to Article 135-novies of the Italian Consolidated Law on Finance, notwithstanding Article 135-undecies, paragraph 4, of the same Italian Consolidated Law on Finance, using the form may be downloaded from “Proxy/sub-proxy form to grant powers to the Designated Representative at the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting”.
The proxy and/or sub-proxy form issued under Article 135-novies of the Italian Consolidated Law on Finance containing the relevant voting instructions, together with documentation proving signatory powers, must be received no later than 12.00 pm on 22 April 2024 at Computershare S.p.A., Via Nizza 262/73, 10126 Turin, using one of the alternative methods specified in the form.
Powers will only take effect for resolutions proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting for which the delegating party has given voting instructions using the above form.
Powers and voting instructions issued under Article 135-novies of the Italian Consolidated Law on Finance may be revoked by the above deadline of 22 April 2024 according to the same procedure as the one laid down for the granting thereof.
Information on the Company's Share Capital and Voting Rights
As of today’s date, the share capital of UnipolSai is € 2,031,456,338.00, divided into 2,829,717,372 ordinary shares with no nominal value. As at the same date, 2,829,537,741 shares have voting rights, excluding treasury shares and those held by subsidiaries.
Each share has the right to one vote. In accordance with article 127-quinquies of the Consolidated Law on Finance and article 7 of the articles of association however, two votes are allocated to each share which has belonged to the same shareholder for a continuous period of not less than twenty-four months starting from the date of registration on the special list set up specifically for that purpose (the “Special List”) held and updated by the company, as provided for under the corporate articles of association (known as “shares with increased voting rights”).
In accordance with article 85-bis, paragraph 4 of Consob Regulation no. 11971/1999 (the “Issuers’ Regulation”), UnipolSai will notify the public and Consob, by the day following the record date, of the total amount of voting rights, indicating the number of shares comprising the share capital.
For further information please refer to the company’s internet website in the section dedicated to shares with increased voting rights, available at, where, in accordance with the provisions of article 143-quater of the Issuers’ Regulation, the identifying data of the shareholders who requested registration on the Special List is also published, indicating the respective shareholdings that exceed the threshold indicated by article 120, paragraph 2 of the Consolidated Law on Finance.
At the date hereof, UnipolSai holds 179,631 common treasury shares in total (representing approximately 0.006% of the share capital), of which 73,589 directly and 106,042 shares indirectly held through the following subsidiaries: Arca Vita S.p.A. (3,541), Leithà S.r.l. (11,556), SIAT S.p.A. (43,899), UniSalute S.p.A. (34,461), UnipolRental S.p.A. (10,607) and UnipolAssistance S.c.r.l. (1,978).