The Life ADA project start
On 13 November at 15.30 will be presented the UE project LIFE ADA (ADaptation in Agriculture), will aim to increase the resilience of the agricultural sector through developing knowledge and planning tools that associations of producers and farmers can use to adapt to climate change.
The project, which will involve UnipolSai as the lead company and partners like ARPAE Emilia-Romagna, Cia-Agricoltori Italiani, CREA Politiche e Bioeconomia, Festambiente, Legacoop Agroalimentare Nord Italia, Leithà and the Emilia-Romagna Region, will be subsequently extended in other Italian regions.
During the webinar “LIFE ADA – Agricoltura e cambiamenti climatici: adattamento e resilienza per fermare la febbre del pianeta” (“LIFE ADA - Agriculture and climate change: adaptation and resilience to stop the world’s fever”), will be attended by Pierluigi Stefanini (Chairman Unipol), Alessio Mammi (Councillor for agriculture and the agricultural and food industry, hunting and fishing of the Emilia Romagna Region) and Dino Scanavino (President of Cia-Agricoltori Italiani).