Launch of the treasury share purchase programmes for the compensation plans based on financial instruments approved by UInipolSai and certain subsidiaries

Corporate: Governance
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 - 15:32

In accordance with article 144-bis of CONSOB Issuers’ Regulation, article 5 of Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 and article 2 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, starting from today’s date, the UnipolSai S.p.A. (“UnipolSai”) treasury share (the “Shares”) purchase programmes (individually the “Programme” and together the “Programmes”) will commence, by UnipolSai and the following directly controlled companies: Arca Vita S.p.A., Leithà S.r.l., SIAT S.p.A., UnipolSai Servizi Consortili S.c.r.l. and UniSalute S.p.A. (the “Subsidiaries”).

The purchases will be for a maximum number of 2,101,500 Shares (amounting to approximately 0.074% of the share capital of UnipolSai), as set out in more detail below, to be used to implement the compensation plans based on performance share type financial instruments, approved by the respective Shareholders’ Meetings of UnipolSai and the Subsidiaries for the years 2016-2018 (the “2016-2018 Plan”) and 2019-2021 (the “2019-2021 Plan”) and that provide for assignment of the following to the Managers of UnipolSai and said Subsidiaries:

  • the second tranche of 2016-2018 LTI Plan Shares by April next;
  • the STI 2019 component referring to the 2019-2021 Plan by May next.

Read the complete Press Release